Request for Funds (RFF)

Click here for a sample Request For Funds for DPS Foundation

If you have a grant through DPS Foundation, remember funds are maintained with DPS Foundation until DPS incurs expenses. A Request For Funds (RFF) must be completed and submitted to release the funds to DPS. In anticipation of the fiscal year ending on 6/30/22 for both DPS Foundation and DPS, we are asking you to prepare two Requests For Funds (RFF) for the following project DPS Foundation is holding funds for. Additional details on why two RFFs are requested are provided below.

This is a two-step process. We need you to meet BOTH deadlines to ensure everything is received before our audit begins. Your cooperation is essential and much appreciated!


It is important to meet this deadline as DPS Foundation wants to bring all the grants current with a payment to DPS. We also want to be sure to make payment to DPS so many of these grants can be closed and may not need a carryforward to the new fiscal year. Preparing an RFF through May 31, 2022 also reduces the payable (DPSF) and receivable (DPS) needed to be recorded at year-end. 

Please prepare an RFF and submit the request with appropriate signatures and Lawson reports using DynamicView by June 10, 2022. You can find the RFF reimbursement template here. Please include all YTD posted expenses through at least May 31, 2022


It is important to meet this deadline as DPS Foundation does not want to record a payable for amounts owed that were not able to be paid in Phase #1. We do request two RFFs be prepared because we want to pay out as much as possible in Phase #1 but we realize there may be expenses in June that should be included in the same fiscal year. By preparing the first RFF, we are able to actually make the cash payment and then minimize the payable/receivable recorded. 

Please prepare an RFF and submit the request with appropriate signatures and Lawson reports using DynamicView by July 13, 2022. Please include all YTD posted expenses through June 30, 2022


Resources and instructions to prepare and what is needed to submit the RFF can be found on The Commons, here:  Here is the link to DynamicView:  If you need additional instructions on how to request funds, please reach out to your Financial Partner/Grant Analyst or Ludo Favre-Bulle at (720-423-3964).  For general questions, please reach out to Kim at (ext. 33768).

Please be sure to use these grant funds before other funds as most of these grant funds have specific end dates.  Once the RFF is submitted to DPS, the Office of the Controller will review, approve, and forward your RFFs to DPS Foundation for payment.  We will then cut checks to DPS for deposit into the project account.

Click here for a sample Request For Funds for DPS Foundation